About the School-Based Weather Station Network

At this time there is no legend available for the colours representing temperatures on the map below.

The Vancouver Island School-Based Weather Station Network (VWSN) was developed by Andrew Weaver and Ed Wiebe at the University of Victoria. Ongoing development and maintenance is undertaken by Ed Wiebe in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at UVic. Unfortunately, there are few resources available at present (2023-06) to support the project's ongoing maintenace requirements.

Undergraduate students Michael Rempel, Stephen Sobie, Bill Bird, Natasha Ridenour, Lucas Kavanagh, and Peter Levett have also made substantial software contributions.

It is a partnership with British Columbia school districts 61 (Victoria), 62 (Sooke), 63 (Saanich), 64 (Gulf Islands), 68 (Nanaimo), 69 (Qualicum), 70 (Alberni), 71 (Comox Valley), 72 (Campbell River), 79 (Cowichan Valley), 84 (Vancouver Island West), 85 (Vancouver Island North). Over the years, funding for this project has been obtained from the BC Year of Science, the NSERC PromoScience programme, NEC Corporation, CTV Vancouver Island, and generous donations from a number of individuals. In kind contributions have also been received from Davis Instruments Corporation.

The school-based weather stations, and teacher resources available on the Resource Page, are being developed to assist teachers by providing them with free resources that will allow them to deliver aspects of the K-12 science education curriculum with state of the art interactive technologies. Our ultimate goal is to engage children in the wonders of science.

A brief overview of the project is also available: Weaver, A.J., and E.C. Wiebe, 2006: Micrometeorological network in Greater Victoria schools: www.victoriaweather.ca. CMOS Bulletin, 34(4), 184-190.

Some references to research using the network.

Longitudes used on the site are planetocentric. That is, they increase positively eastward from the Prime Meridian. Under this system the longitude of Victoria is (approximately) 237° which is equivalent 123°W or -123°.

For further information or data inquiries please contact us at weather at uvic dot ca. If you find a problem or have a question about the site please be sure to send the relevant site and page address (the URL from your browser's address bar). Also include a screen capture image if you can, so that we can see what you are seeing.

EOSC at UVic NSERC PromoScience Logo, https://www.nserc.ca/promoscience/index_e.htm https://www.sd61.bc.ca

https://www.sd62.bc.ca https://www.sd63.bc.ca




https://www.sd71.bc.ca https://www.sd69.bc.ca   https://www.sd79.bc.ca

Funding for 2019-2021 is provided via the Faculty of Science at UVic.

Funding for purchasing the weather stations installed at the Highlands, East Highlands and West Highlands locations was provided by donations from the Highlands Stewardship Foundation and Longview Consulting.

This network uses Davis Vantage Pro 2(calibration study) weather stations which are monitored automatically with our own version of VProWeather on computers running the GNU/Linux operating system. The data are recorded in a MySQL database and fed out to the world through the VictoriaWeather.ca web site. Figures are generated using scripts written in the IDL language. PDF versions of the station summary pages are generated with LaTeX.

The first station was installed in February 2002 on the roof of the Ian Stewart Complex here at the University of Victoria.

Site Map

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The Vancouver Island School-Based Weather Station Network is an education first project. Data from the network are made freely available as is to the public with no guarantee of accuracy or availability. Commercial use requires a license. Please contact Ed Wiebe, ecwiebe at uvic.ca for more information. This work (this site and all contents not otherwise attributed) by School-Based Weather Station Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Creative Commons License

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Last Modified: May 20 2022 13:16:32.