Cold Front, 27 April 2004.

Further Comments

 - This front took us by surprise here in the office.  It was certainly a
   blustery day but we didn't really expect such a swift change in the 
 - A colleague driving to Duncan encountered the rain about an hour 
   before it arrived here.  He described it as a sheet or wall of rain.
 - The volume of rain and the rain rate were not very great, but the onset 
   was quite sudden.
 - The same time has been marked on each figure with a vertical grey line.

Here is the data.

Characteristics of a Passing Cold Front

Before Passing While Passing After Passing
Winds south-southwest gusty; shifting west-northwest
Temperature warm sudden drop steadily dropping
Pressure falling steadily minimum, then sharp rise rising steadily
Clouds increasing: Ci, Cs and Cb Cb Cu
Precipitation short period of showers heavy rains, sometimes with hail, thunder and lightning showers then clearing
Visibility fair to poor in haze poor, followed by improving good, except in showers
Dew Point high; remains steady sharp drop lowering

GOES satellite images are available here (15 MB) as an animated GIF file.

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