Data Summary Options
Ten Mile Point
Choose from the list below.
- Data Browser
- Average Data Browser
- Moment in Time Data Browser, select a moment in time, see all stations.
- Monthly Summary Data Browser, Select a month and a station.
- Monthly Means, Select a station and a month.
- Annual Means, Select a station.
- One Year of Monthly Means, Select a station and a year.
- Temperature Records for Today.
- Temperatures
- Total Rain
- Total Rain by Month
- Count of Days of Rain by Month
- Heating Degree Days
- Growing Degree Days
- Probability Density Functions (PDF) of Daily Temperatures
- Probability Density Functions (PDF) of Total Daily Rain
- Probability Density Functions (PDF) of Daily Wind Speeds
- Probability Density Functions (PDF) of Daily Atmospheric Pressure
- Contours of the 95th percentile of the PDF of Total Daily Rain
- Contours of the 99th percentile of the PDF of Total Daily Rain
- Drought Lengths
- Current data in XML format.
- Current data in TXT format.
- Current Conditions in a formatted table.
- Table rows. Example using javascript.
- All current observations in XML format.