A steady North Wind

A very steady north wind blew over many sites in Saanich from mid-day on 2012-02-02 through 2012-02-07, five days later. The wind speed wasn't steady but the direction was. Winds aloft varied over this time as can been seen from watching the daily VictoriaWeatherCam videos linked below.

Wind direction at Torquay Elementary in Saanich on south Vancouver Island on south Vancouver Island
Wind direction at Torquay Elementary in Saanich on south Vancouver Island.
Wind speed at Torquay Elementary in Saanich on south Vancouver Island on south Vancouver Island
Wind speed at Torquay Elementary in Saanich on south Vancouver Island.
Temperature at Torquay Elementary in Saanich on south Vancouver Island on south Vancouver Island
Temperature at Torquay Elementary in Saanich on south Vancouver Island.
Barometric pressure at Torquay Elementary in Saanich on south Vancouver Island on south Vancouver Island
Barometric pressure at Torquay Elementary in Saanich on south Vancouver Island.

The following videos were taken from the roof of the Science Building (Bob Wright Centre) at the University of Victoria, in Saanich, BC. The camera looks (approximately) north. The plots that follow the videos are from the weather station mounted near the camera and a few kilometres from Torquay school.





Wind direction at UVic Science Building in Saanich on south Vancouver Island on south Vancouver Island
Wind direction at the UVic Science Building in Saanich on south Vancouver Island.
Wind direction at UVic Science Building in Saanich on south Vancouver Island on south Vancouver Island
Wind speed at the UVic Science Building in Saanich on south Vancouver Island.
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