
We're in the news: Funding dries up for Island's school-based weather network

Station Monthly Statistics -- Ecole Victor-Brodeur

September at Ecole Victor-Brodeur

Station name Month

graph of monthly means
September at Ecole Victor-Brodeur
Year Minimum
(Std. Dev.) °C
202212.216.06 (2.6)21.430
201411.915.87 (2.5)20.830
202012.315.79 (2.4)20.230
201711.815.46 (2.3)20.130
201111.215.01 (2.4)19.930
200910.914.77 (2.5)19.830
201210.214.61 (2.9)20.025
201911.614.41 (1.9)18.228
200810.514.35 (2.6)19.322
202111.114.29 (2.1)18.730
201311.313.96 (1.9)18.021
201810.713.95 (2.1)18.030
201610.613.90 (2.2)18.130
201010.913.85 (2.0)18.030
201510.213.64 (2.3)18.230
20079.913.26 (2.1)17.530

graph of monthly means

How are Monthly Means Calculated?

The table shows values for the selected month from each year in the database. Values are given in degrees Celsius. Averages shown here are calculated from daily averages for the month. The value in parentheses following the monthly mean value is the standard deviation of the daily averages used to compute the mean. The minimum (maximum) is the average of the minimum (maximum) temperature observed on each day of the selected month. Table rows are shown by default in descending order of Mean value. Click on the column heads to change the ordering. In some cases the months may be incomplete. Months that have fewer than 24 daily values are shown in red. This may include the present month.

The last row in the table gives the averages of the columns. Click through the links in the column headers to sort by the different quanitities.

The values in the box and whisker plot are plotted so that the average daily minimum and average daily maximum are marked at the end of the whiskers, the mean value is shown with a horizontal tick across each box, and the boxes show the range of plus and minus one standard deviation from the mean value. The average of the daily average temperatures is shown with a dashed horizontal line and the average extremes are drawn with dotted lines.

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The Vancouver Island School-Based Weather Station Network is an education first project. Data from the network are made freely available as is to the public with no guarantee of accuracy or availability. Commercial use requires a license. Please contact Ed Wiebe, ecwiebe at uvic.ca for more information. This work (this site and all contents not otherwise attributed) by School-Based Weather Station Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Creative Commons License

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Last Modified: May 17 2022 09:34:39.