Status of all Stations

A number in square brackets following the station name indicates there is at least one message about the site. Click the number to see the message(s).

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2025/02/10 21:34:00Temperature (°C) Humidity (%) Pressure (hPA) Insolation (W/m^2) UV Index (index) Rain (mm) Hourly Rain Rate (mm/hr) Wind (km/hr) Wind Direction (°)
1 256 5040Hut ------------------------------------
2 189 Airport
[ 1 ]
3 165 AlberniElementary
[ 1 ]
4 79 Arbutus
[ 1 ]
5 95 Arrowview
[ 1 ]
6 161 BamfieldMarine -0.4sparkline68.01030.20.0----
7 231 BanfieldPark ----------------------------
8 68 Bayside
[ 1 ]
9 138 Bayview
[ 1 ]
10 96 Bowser ------------------------------------
11 81 Braefoot
[ 1 ]
12 109 Brentwood -0.2sparkline45.01031.
13 71 CalRevelle -2.2sparkline---1029.
14 159 Camosun ------------------------------------
15 7 CampusView -0.5sparkline51.01027.
16 180 CaptainMeares
[ 1 ]
17 213 Carihi ----------------------------------
18 75 Central ------------------------------------
19 22 Cloverdale ------------------------------------
20 82 Colquitz -0.5sparkline47.01028.
21 32 Colwood
[ 1 ]
22 61 CordovaBay
[ 1 ]
23 211 Cortes -2.4sparkline66.01031.
24 190 Courtenay ------------------------------------
25 73 Craigflower --------------------0.0------------
26 144 CridgeCentre ------------------------------------
27 34 CrystalView ------------------------------------
28 191 Cumberland ------------------------------------
29 35 DavidCameron ------------------------------------
30 62 DeepCove
[ 1 ]
31 192 Denman ------------------------------------
32 133 DiscoveryElementary -5.3sparkline87.01031.80.0---
33 26 Doncaster ------------------------------------
34 58 Dunsmuir
[ 2 ]
35 17 EagleView ------------------------------------
36 99 EastHighlands
[ 1 ]
37 209 EcoleDeuxMondes ------------------------------------
38 106 EdwardMilne
[ 2 ]
39 60 Esquimalt
[ 2 ]
40 119 Fernwood ------------------------------------
41 103 FrancesKelsey
[ 1 ]
42 9 FrankHobbs ------------------------------------
43 120 Fulford ------------------------------------
44 114 Galiano
[ 1 ]
45 236 GalianoEllis ------------------------------------
46 238 GalianoGeorgeson
[ 1 ]
47 235 GalianoMLC -2.4sparkline49.81035.
48 234 GalianoMontagueRd -2.3sparkline71.41031.
49 237 GalianoNorthWest -1.7sparkline51.11029.2------
50 29 GeorgeJay ------------------------------------
51 27 Glanford ------------------------------------
52 80 GordonHead --------------------0.0------------
53 269 GorgeHalfbeard ------1031.0------------------
54 230 GorgeNatureHouse ----------------------------
55 121 GulfIslands ------------------------------------
56 139 HammondBay
[ 1 ]
57 104 HappyValley -0.5sparkline50.01031.
58 36 Helgesen ------------------------------------
59 100 Highlands -1.8sparkline58.71019.50.0---
60 232 HighlandsHall
[ 1 ]
61 24 Hillcrest
[ 1 ]
62 11 JamesBay
[ 2 ]
63 37 JohnMuir
[ 1 ]
64 128 JohnStubbs -0.9sparkline46.01030.
65 59 Journey ------------------------------------
66 63 Keating --------------------0.0------------
67 174 KELSET ------------------------------------
68 130 LadysmithSecondary -4.4sparkline78.91032.
69 20 Lakehill
[ 1 ]
70 39 Lakewood -1.2sparkline51.01029.
71 25 Lansdowne -0.7sparkline48.01027.
72 169 Lighthouse
[ 1 ]
73 64 Lochside --------------------0.0------------
74 200 Longacre -0.9sparkline57.21033.
75 10 Macaulay
[ 1 ]
76 166 Maquinna
[ 1 ]
77 98 MargaretJenkins ------------------------------------
78 6 Marigold -------1029.9--------0.0------------
79 113 Mayne
[ 1 ]
80 137 McGirr
[ 2 ]
81 77 McKenzie -----------------------------------
82 107 Millstream
[ 1 ]
83 194 MiracleBeach ------------------------------------
84 19 Monterey
[ 1 ]
85 141 MountainView
[ 1 ]
86 110 NanooseElementary
[ 2 ]
87 226 Nitinat
[ 1 ]
88 30 Northridge ------------------------------------
89 188 NorthSaanich ------------------------------------
90 4 Oaklands
[ 1 ]
91 204 OceanGrove ------------------------------------
92 50 OceanTrails
[ 1 ]
93 182 PacificBioStation ------------------------------------
94 129 Paine
[ 1 ]
95 85 Palsson
[ 2 ]
96 70 Parkland
[ 2 ]
97 111 ParksvilleElementary ------------------------------------
98 218 PASS
[ 1 ]
99 94 PenderIsland
[ 1 ]
100 206 Penfield --------1032.
101 122 Phoenix ------------------------------------
102 210 PhoenixMiddle ------------------------------------
103 273 PiersIsland 73.9sparkline34.51032.11775.
104 136 PleasantValley
[ 1 ]
105 105 PortRenfrew ------------------------------------
106 66 ProspectLake
[ 2 ]
107 74 Quadra ------------------------------------
108 84 QualicumElementary ------------------------------------
109 126 Quamichan ------------------------------------
110 72 RaceRocks
[ 2 ]
111 86 Randerson ------------------------------------
112 197 RASCVictoria ----69.01030.4--------0.6------------
113 179 RayWatkins
[ 1 ]
114 33 Reynolds ------------------------------------
115 208 RippleRock ------------------------------------
116 21 Rogers ------------------------------------
117 40 RuthKing
[ 1 ]
118 217 RVYC ------------------------------------
119 117 SaltspringElementary
[ 1 ]
120 31 Sangster --------------------0.0------------
121 112 Saturna
[ 1 ]
122 55 Savory
[ 1 ]
123 212 Sayward ------------------------------------
124 135 SciA220 -----------------------------
125 124 Seaview
[ 2 ]
126 132 ShawniganLake -3.5sparkline78.81030.
127 93 ShawniganMuseum
[ 1 ]
128 160 ShawniganSchool
[ 1 ]
129 13 Shoreline
[ 1 ]
130 67 Sidney
[ 1 ]
131 15 SJD --------1028.1--------0.0------------
132 162 SMUS ---------------------------------
133 228 SMUSGorge
[ 1 ]
134 89 Springwood -3.2sparkline62.01029.
135 215 StJosephs ------------------------------------
136 125 StPatricks ------------------------------------
137 3 Strawberry --------------------0.0------------
138 134 SwanLakeNatureHouse ------------------------------------
139 16 Tillicum --------------------0.0------------
140 207 Timberline
[ 1 ]
141 18 Torquay
[ 1 ]
142 199 TrialIsland ------------------------------------
143 275 TTNVWSN01 ------------------------------------
144 276 TTNVWSN02 ------------------------------------
145 277 TTNVWSN03 ------------------------------------
146 278 TTNVWSN04 ------------------------------------
147 279 TTNVWSN05 ------------------------------------
148 168 Ucluelet
[ 1 ]
149 140 UplandsPark ------------------------------------
150 1 UVicISC -0.8sparkline38.01030.
151 143 UVicSci -0.7sparkline46.01030.
152 281 UVicSngequ ------------------------------------
153 163 UVicSSM -----------------------------------
154 196 ValleyView
[ 2 ]
155 115 VictorBrodeur
[ 1 ]
156 12 VicWest
[ 1 ]
157 90 ViewRoyal ------------------------------------
158 123 VIU -0.2sparkline74.01030.6------
159 101 WestHighlands ------------------------------------
160 181 WestMont ------------------------------------
161 167 WickaninnishSchool ------------------------------------
162 205 WillowPoint
[ 3 ]
163 14 Willows
[ 1 ]
164 56 Willway ------------------------------------
165 57 Wishart
[ 2 ]
Missing Data ----
No Sensor ---
This page took 1.566 s to generate.


The Vancouver Island School-Based Weather Station Network is an education first project. Data from the network are made freely available as is to the public with no guarantee of accuracy or availability. Commercial use requires a license. Please contact Ed Wiebe, ecwiebe at for more information. This work (this site and all contents not otherwise attributed) by School-Based Weather Station Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Last Modified: June 26 2024 15:46:02.