All Stations
This page contains a list of all stations in the School-Based Weather Station Network. The station id is in parentheses following the name. The list is sorted alphabetically.- ACCVI Hut (256)
- Airport Elementary School (189)
- Alberni Elementary School (165)
- Alberni Weather (108)
- Arbutus Middle School (79)
- Arrowview Elementary School (95)
- Average of Network (0)
- Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (161)
- Banfield Park (231)
- Bayside Middle School (68)
- Bayview Elementary School (138)
- Bowser Elementary School (96)
- Braefoot Elementary School (81)
- Brentwood Elementary School (109)
- Butchart Gardens (42)
- Cal Revelle Nature Sanctuary (71)
- Camosun College Lansdowne (159)
- Campus View Elementary (7)
- Cap'n Halfbeard/Arm Street Park (269)
- Captain Meares Elementary Secondary School (180)
- Carihi Secondary (213)
- Central Middle School (75)
- Cloverdale Elementary School (22)
- Colquitz Middle School (82)
- Colwood Elementary School (32)
- Cordova Bay Elementary School (61)
- Cortes Island School (211)
- Courtenay Elementary School (190)
- Craigflower Elementary School (73)
- Crystal View Elementary School (34)
- CTV Victoria (41)
- Cumberland Community School (191)
- David Cameron Elementary School (35)
- Deep Cove Elementary School (62)
- Denman Island Community School (192)
- Discovery Elementary School (133)
- District of Highlands Office (100)
- Ditidaht Community School (226)
- Doncaster Elementary School (26)
- Dunsmuir Middle School (58)
- Eagle View Elementary School (17)
- East Highlands District Firehall (99)
- Ecole des Deux Mondes (209)
- Ecole Victor-Brodeur (115)
- Edward Milne Community School (106)
- Elk Lake Rowing Club (227)
- Esquimalt High School (60)
- Fernwood Elementary School (119)
- Frances Kelsey Secondary School (103)
- Frank Hobbs Elementary School (9)
- Fulford Elementary School (120)
- G.R. Paine Horticultural Training Centre (129)
- Galiano Community School (114)
- Galiano Ellis Road (236)
- Galiano Georgeson Bay Road (238)
- Galiano Island North West (237)
- Galiano Montague Road (234)
- George Jay Elementary School (29)
- Glanford Middle School (27)
- Gordon Head Middle School (80)
- Gorge Waterways Nature House (230)
- Gulf Islands Secondary School (121)
- Hans Helgesen Elementary School (36)
- Happy Valley Elementary School (104)
- Highlands Community Hall (232)
- Hillcrest Elementary School (24)
- Ian Stewart Complex/Mt. Douglas High School (1)
- James Bay Elementary School (11)
- John Muir Elementary School (37)
- John Stubbs Memorial School (128)
- Journey Middle School/Poirier Elementary School (59)
- Keating Elementary School (63)
- KELSET Elementary School (174)
- L'Ecole Hammond Bay Elementary (139)
- Ladysmith Secondary School (130)
- Lake Hill Elementary School (20)
- Lakewood Elementary School (39)
- Lansdowne Middle School (25)
- Lighthouse Christian Academy (169)
- Lochside Elementary School (64)
- Longacre (200)
- Macaulay Elementary School (10)
- Maquinna Elementary School (166)
- Margaret Jenkins Elementary School (98)
- Marigold Elementary School/Spectrum High School (6)
- Mayne Island School (113)
- McGirr Elementary School (137)
- McKenzie Elementary School (77)
- Millard Learning Centre (235)
- Millstream Elementary School (107)
- Miracle Beach Elementary (194)
- Monterey Middle School (19)
- Mountain View Elementary (141)
- Nanoose Bay Elementary School (110)
- NEPTUNE Port Alberni (184)
- North Saanich Middle School (188)
- Northridge Elementary School (30)
- Oaklands Elementary School (4)
- Ocean Grove Elementary (204)
- Ocean Trails Resort (50)
- Pacific Biological Station, DFO-MPO (182)
- Palsson Elementary School (85)
- Parkland Secondary School (70)
- Parksville Elementary School (111)
- PASS-Woodwinds Alternate School (218)
- Pender Islands Elementary and Secondary School (94)
- Penfield Elementary (206)
- Phoenix Elementary School (122)
- Phoenix Middle School (210)
- Piers Island (273)
- Pleasant Valley Elementary School (136)
- Port Renfrew Elementary School (105)
- Prospect Lake Elementary School (66)
- Quadra Elementary School (74)
- Qualicum Beach Elementary School (84)
- Quamichan Middle School (126)
- Queen Elizabeth Secondary School (216)
- Race Rocks Ecological Reserve (72)
- Randerson Ridge Elementary School (86)
- RASC Victoria Centre (197)
- Ray Watkins Elementary (179)
- Reynolds High School (33)
- Ripple Rock Elementary School (208)
- Robert Service School, Dawson City, YT (178)
- Rogers Elementary School (21)
- Royal Victoria Yacht Club (217)
- Ruth King Elementary School (40)
- S.M.U.S Community Rowing Centre (228)
- Saltspring Elementary and Middle Schools (117)
- Sangster Elementary School (31)
- Saturna Elementary School (112)
- Savory Elementary School (55)
- Sayward Elementary School (212)
- Seaview Elementary School (124)
- Shawnigan Lake (132)
- Shawnigan Lake Museum (93)
- Shawnigan Lake School (160)
- Shoreline Middle School (13)
- Sidney Elementary School (67)
- Sir James Douglas Elementary School (15)
- Sngequ House (281)
- Springwood Elementary School (89)
- St Joseph's Elementary School (215)
- St. Michaels University School Senior Campus (162)
- St. Patrick's Elementary School (125)
- Strawberry Vale Elementary School (3)
- Swan Lake Nature House (134)
- Ten Mile Point (43)
- Tillicum Elementary School (16)
- Timberline Secondary (207)
- Torquay Elementary School (18)
- Trial Island Lightstation (199)
- Ucluelet High School (168)
- Uplands Park Elementary (140)
- UVic David Turpin Building (163)
- UVic SCI A220 (135)
- UVic Science Building (143)
- Valley View Elementary School (196)
- Vancouver Island University (123)
- VI School of Innovation and Inquiry - Cridge Centre (144)
- Victoria West Elementary School (12)
- View Royal Elementary School (90)
- VWSN TTN 01 (275)
- VWSN TTN 02 (276)
- VWSN TTN 03 (277)
- VWSN TTN 04 (278)
- VWSN TTN 05 (279)
- West Highlands District Firehall (101)
- West-Mont Montessori School (181)
- Wickaninnish Community School (167)
- Willow Point Elementary (205)
- Willows Elementary School (14)
- Willway Elementary School (56)
- Wishart Elementary School (57)